Music and Lyrics (2007)

#39 in my 2007 movie challenge, Music and Lyrics, was an antidote to the bitterness of #38. M&L is predictable and rather thin, but Grant does a credible job playing a has-been pop star (a thinly veiled analog to Andrew Ridgeley of Wham!) while Barrymore does her usual ditzy/charming schtick. By the end, though, the sweetness between the two of them, and the humorous spectacle of the Britney-esque pop star for whom they’re writing a song, won me over. Further, the catchy, retro-80’s pop music was crafted by Fountains of Wayne’s Adam Schlesinger, whose obvious affection for the music is easy to appreciate. The music video, and the pop-up version at the end, are hilarious sendups.

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