
Some things demand an exclamation point. This day is one.

[Caution: if you're here looking for an intellectual entry, this isn't it. This is the purview of mommy blogs. But I must celebrate; I hope you can share my joy.]

As Drake walked out the door of preschool, he said, “I have to go potty.”

My eyes widened in surprise. Drake was wearing a pull-up diaper. He had never before said that phrase while wearing a pull-up diaper.

“Sure, honey!” I replied, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. I’ve been disappointed so many times before.

We went back into the building. He went into the girls bathroom. I didn’t re-direct him. I asked if he wanted help.

“No, Mom, I need some privacy,” he said, having learned that phrase from a toilet-using friend.

I peered anxiously under the stall door as he pulled down his shorts, then his diaper, and sat on the regular-size toilet. I heard the sound of pee. (I also heard the sound of 15M Guppy screaming right behind me. He was immune to the significance of what was transpiring.)

“He’s never said that before,” said his preschool teacher, standing behind me. “Not in all the months he’s been here, not in all the times that the other kids have gone. Never.” Her voice echoed the awe I was feeling.

Once home, Drake did a repeat performance, unprompted.

During his quiet time, I began to compose this entry. Then he began banging on his door, his unsubtle sign that he wishes quiet time to be over. We went downstairs together. I asked if he would like underwear or a pull up.

“I would like some air time, Mom.”

We weren’t seated for many minutes in the basement before he announced that he needed to pee.

“You know where the bathroom is,” I said. “Let me know if you need help.”

He disappeared down the hallway. A few moments later he called out.

“I peed, Mom! And I pooped!”

I leapt off the couch, but again tried to diminish expectations. I’d had my hopes dashed so many times before. But my fears were unfounded; my hopes were realized. Drake had gone to the bathroom by himself. I reminded him to flush and wash his hands. I asked if he remembered what I said would happen if he went by himself. He paused, and a big grin came over his face.


I went to my secret-squirrel hiding place, and brought back Mack. We called Drake’s dad to share the good news. And Drake is now happily playing with Mack as I write and edit this entry.

It may be some time before either event happens again. Drake still refuses to put on either a pull on or underwear; he’s going to have to cover up eventually. There will also be accidents and regressions. But no one can take today away from me.

Oddly enough, I had a related dream last night. I rarely recall dreams in the morning, and have never had a prophetic one. But in last night’s dream, I was complaining to a friend about Drake’s refusal to use the toilet.

“I understood when he was two that he might need more time than other kids. But I hardly expected him to be NEARLY FOUR and still in diapers. Everyone says he won’t start kindergarten in diapers. But I’ve seen nothing to give me hope,” wailed my dream self.

Oh, me of little faith. Way to go, Drake. Thank you for showing me, yet again, that you are on your own, unique time line. If I can remember and respect that, instead of fighting it, we’ll both be a lot happier.

6 Responses to “!”

  1. ktkat Says:

    Way to go, Mommy! And I’m so proud of you for your insight. I admire you for that…it’s something I lack! Patience is a very hard thing to learn…and I caution you to be careful what you wish and pray for. Someone prayed for patience and got 10 kids. Not my idea of fun, but taught him patience alright.

    Congratulations. You and Ggrod had absolutely nothing to do with it, and I’m so happy for you…now it’s waiting on the next one.

    I swear, potty training two kids definately sent me over the edge.

    Much love.


  2. Julie Chapin Says:





  3. Haddayr Says:


  4. Jack Vinson Says:

    Woo hoo! Our G_ hasn’t expressed a lot of interest since his few experiences with #1 and #2 about six months ago.

  5. Fiona Says:

    As an unashamed ‘Mummy’ blogger, I say “Wooh!” FANTASTIC news! Few milestones are quite as wonderful as no longer needing to change nappies (er…’diapers’). Hooray!

    PS. I love reading your book reviews regularly, too.

  6. girldetective Says:

    A friend commented that she thought diapers qualified as small stuff, but I must say that three years of them, (I know many of you brave and stalwart parents out there have done WAY more than that) really wore me down, especially since young Guppy fills more than his fair share of BM diapers. (Sorry if this is TMI.) I’d say an average day for me was changing 4 BMs, so any reduction makes a big difference in my quality of life.

    And, for the record, in the meantime Drake completely regressed, then progressed, and has had some accidents, but by and large is on his way.