
After Drake was born, we had our three Netflix movies for three months, then finally returned them unwatched and cancelled our subscription. I’m not exactly sure what’s different, but since Guppy was born, I’ve seen twelve movies, three in theaters. Perhaps it’s that Guppy sleeps more than did Drake. Perhaps it’s that we don’t quibble about watching a movie with him–we put Drake to bed, watch a movie, then (try to) put Guppy to bed. Perhaps it’s the combination of giving myself a movie challenge, which puts it higher on my awareness and priorities. But I’m averaging two movies a week, both for the year and since Guppy was born. In case you want to congratulate me, though, please know that my house is filthy, my blog entries have been sparse, and my other writing has received almost no attention. Guppy and Drake are clothed and fed, at least.

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