Word count
We don’t think we’re imagining that Drake is finally saying a few words. What is unclear, though, is whether he’s saying them meaningfully, or if he has just become a mimic, and not such a skilled one at that.
The first word, as I mentioned before, was touchdown. What followed was hot dog, then yucky. These were actual words. But what about ha-ha and ta-da? And moo, baa, and abwoooo, the latter like a high-pitched little wolf? Are they words?
And touchdown, hot dog, and yucky, but never mom?
Ah, but he has learned how to kiss. It’s an open mouthed face-plant, more endearing in concept than in execution. I hope that he’ll get better before he starts kissing other girls than me.
December 29th, 2004 at 2:55 pm
I have a theory on why kids rarely say Mom first. I had cracker, banana, dad, cat, bye,
bell and damn before I ever heard a mom. My theory is that we are such an extension of
the kids they don’t realize we are a different person. Probably not true at all, but it
does make me feel better!!!!