He could be brilliant; he’s definitely cute

Of late, Drake will come up to me and throw his arms up, asking to be picked up. Aw, I think, he wants to give me a hug.

No, in fact, he wants me to take him to the nearest light switch so he can play with it endlessly, till I get bored and whisk him away, causing screams of outrage.

One of his favorite books is Can you sing by Lisa Lawston, illustrated by Ed Vere. His favorite page has changed over the months. Currently it’s the wolf, which he imitates with an astonishly cute, high-pitched Ah-bwooooo!

This morning, out of the blue, I asked, “Drake, where is your nose?”

He promptly stuck his finger up his nose. I was pleased. My husband G. Grod was both pleased and appalled.

Turns out he also knows where his ears and tummy are, and can pat his head. Who knew? I should’ve asked sooner.

Also, at lunch I asked what he was eating. He said “Ah-aw,” which I thought sounded pretty close to the correct answer, hot dog. That is, until I asked him later who the furry red monster was on his cell-phone. Turns out “ah-aw” sounds an awful lot like Elmo, too.

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