The Rules of Quiet Time

Me, instructing 4yo Guppy and his nearly 4yo friend Bitsy on the basics of Quiet Time so that I could get a little lie down:

1. Be safe.
2. Be kind.

Guppy turned to Bitsy and said, “My mom loves quiet time. Because she gets PEACE and QUIET!”

The more detailed instructions on quiet time, which both my boys can tell you if you ask:

1. No going outside
2. No talking to strangers
3. No answering the phone or door.

Things you can get Mom for:

1. Someone we know is at the door.
2. Blood
3. Burglar

2 Responses to “The Rules of Quiet Time”

  1. Stephen Gross Says:

    What if your neighbor, the bloody burglar, is at the door?

  2. girldetective Says:

    The first time I asked Drake what he’d do if a burglar came into the house, he hesitated just a moment and said, “Kung-fu skills.”

    No, honey. You have my permission to holler loud and long.

    So an unplanned-for neighbor, anyone bloody, or a burglar are all worthy of waking mom/yelling, but none are worthy of opening the door on their own.