Reader, I Need Your Advice

It had to happen eventually, and after 2+ years it did. I’ve been cataloging my books read at Library Thing. I liked their site, interface and especially their widgets that allow me to have the last several books I’ve entered in my sidebar to the right, here.

But they only allow 200 books free, and apparently I squeaked in one over before they gently reminded me it’s time to pay the piper, um, the book site. Now, it’s only $10 per year. But there are other sites, notably Good Reads, that are free full stop.

Additionally, I’ve been keeping my books on Visual Library on Facebook, so could continue to do just that.

What say you, fellow biblio geeks? Pay Library Thing? Join Good Reads? Just do Visual Library? Do you like and have you used the LT widget on the left with the books?

10 Responses to “Reader, I Need Your Advice”

  1. KaeleyAnne Says:

    I recently found your blog through Mental Multivitamin. I like Library Thing, but I haven’t used any other option, so I don’t have anything to compare it to. However, if you decide to stay with Library Thing, I suggest getting the lifetime membership instead of the yearly subscription - the lifetime membership is only $25, so in the long run it will be much cheaper than the yearly subscription.

  2. Amy Says:

    I use and like Good Reads. They send out periodic emails, showing what my other GR friends have been reading and discussing, and it’s easy to comment. Works for me.

  3. Steph Says:

    I love me some Good Reads! In part, because I’m a huge nerd and like the ability to track my “currently read” progress by typing in the page number and watching the meter bar slowly fill up. Yes, I really do get a thrill from this!

    I used to have a Library Thing account, but I switched over to Good Reads because of the 200 books limit and I’ve honestly never looked back. I am pretty sure you can have a widget through them that allows for the same book retrospective, so I wouldn’t let that be an obstacle.

  4. Megan Says:

    Definitely go with the lifetime membership to LibraryThing. Much better deal than the yearly membership.

    I personally can’t compare LibraryThing to Good Reads, but there is a thread in the LibraryThing talk section comparing the two - I think it’s in the Talk About LibraryThing group - where a number of people talked about which site they liked better, and why.

  5. Kate Says:

    I’m on Good Reads and can’t leave because all of my books are on there, and my book club group and book club friends. That said, I find Good Reads glitchy and annoying. I think the interface is unfriendly and cluttered, its Facebook app is also glitchy, and I can never really tell who my friends are or what’s going on. I don’t think I’m a luddite particularly–I use lots of different internet sites for work and home, and if I could start over, I’d start with something else. If it’s true you can stay on the same site forever for $25, I’d stick with what you know/where your books are.

  6. Karen Says: is very good :) And this is coming from someone who uses Good Reads and LibraryThing as well! I think Shelfari is my favourite out of the three.

  7. Ritalee Says:

    Hi GD! Even though it’s the only social networking or book site I’ve ever used, I’ve become very fond of Good Reads and participate feverishly.

  8. SFP Says:

    I’m partial to LibraryThing and the lifetime membership. I find it easier to use, although that may be because I started there. I have widgets from both LT and GR on the blog, though.

  9. Holly Says:

    I use both sites and I prefer LibraryThing. I just find it easier to use and like the way it works better. And I agree, just pay the lifetime membership fee. I think it’s only $25. That’s a pretty good deal! I also like LibraryThing because I’m part of their Early Reviewer program. I’ve entered a ton of the Good Reads’ First Reads contests and NEVER won. I’ve received a ton of ER books from LibraryThing. But I do think it’s all personal preference.

  10. girldetective Says:

    Many, many thanks, fellow readers! I got a lifetime at Library Thing. Someday I may join those of you at Good Reads, but for now, it made sense to keep doing what I was doing.