Snapshots of Guppy at 4

4yo Guppy is far less trying than he was at 3.5, for which I’m very thankful. That doesn’t mean, though, that he’s a walk in the park.

Last week, he grabbed the orange metal lid to the French-fry pot and ran around shouting, “I’m fighting dragons! I’m fighting dragons!” (as in How to Train Your…)

We had friends over for supper. Dessert was creme brulee. The grownups were in the dining room; the kids on the porch. When the sounds of glee rose to alarming heights, we went to investigate. Guppy and his 3yo friend Bitsy were throwing custard at each other–walls, windows, floor, table–it was everywhere. I found some on the refrigerator later that night.

This morning, 1:35 am, I hear Guppy shout, “Drake, Drake, wake up!” and see the light shining in the hall. I go into their room and find Guppy and Drake wide awake, out of bed, and fetching books from their closet. I told them it was the middle of the night and to go back to bed. They didn’t listen, and for the next hour they ran around, used the bathroom, read books, and generally kept G. Grod and me up.

Fair warning to all new parents: not sleeping through the night is not exclusive to babies.

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