Name Calling

I love nicknames, and use them frequently with my sons 6yo Drake and 4yo Guppy. (See? I just did.) Guppy, however, is not a fan. Whenever I call him by his full name or deploy a nickname for him, such as Goose, Mr. Guppy-pants, Mr. Cranky-pants, Captain Huggy-Face, Grumpster Demon, Punkin, Punka, Punk, Pookie, Pookie Pants, You, Hey You, Boy, etc. You get the picture.

When he began to protest this past year, his vocabulary wasn’t quite up to the challenge.

“Mom!” he’d shout. “I keep promising you! Only call me Guppy!” More recently, though, he’s become more precise.

“Mom! Call me Guppy!”

To which I respond, “Please, say please.”

2 Responses to “Name Calling”

  1. Ruthie Says:

    not even Gupster? Sigh. Does G or other family get same treatment?

  2. girldetective Says:

    Nor Gup-meister.

    Yes, Drake gets nicknames too, like grumpster demon, and Shaggy, and such. He doesn’t protest, though and he has asked teachers and coaches sometimes to call him by his full first name, so he answers both to it and to the short version.