A Short List

A few things that bug me:

Flap pockets on boys pants; they never lay flat
Milk chocolate
People who wear pajama pants in public
High fructose corn syrup
Kate Hudson
Garrison Keillor’s voice
Eliza Dushku’s non-moving forehead, and the non-awesomeness of Dollhouse

I am, perhaps, being unreasonable.

Edited to Add:
CROCS. I love Tim Gunn’s assessment: “they’re like colored plastic hooves.” I don’t care if they’re comfortable. Only for kids or home, IMO.

Twilight, Stephanie Meyer books, EW covers that feature Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart’s empty stares, or worse, Pattinson’s nipple–EW, indeed. See The TV Addict for a funny takedown of the last EW Twilight cover.

11 Responses to “A Short List”

  1. jennifer Says:

    I could cry over the non-awesomeness of Dollhouse. So unfair. How about people who wear flip-flops in public, in the winter?

  2. weirleader Says:

    Flap pockets on any kind of pants and/or shirts (boys or adults)… they never lay flat for me.
    agreed on the chocolate, HFCS, and pajama pants.

    But Garrison Keillor? I love that guy, voice and all.

    And I’m sorry to hear you don’t like Dollhouse — true, it’s no Firefly, but I’ve been enjoying it so far. Aside from the non-moving forehead, what’s your beef?

  3. Steph Says:

    I agree with essentially all of these things, but especially the last one. We keep watching Dollhouse because I find the overarching plot interesting and want to learn more, but everything else is really lackluster. Why are the sets and the costumes so cheap looking? Who is writing the dialogue? Why could Eliza Dushku act when she was playing the role of Faith (maybe she wasn’t acting?) but now is only convincing when playing mind-wiped Echo?

  4. carolyn Says:

    the only part of dollhouse i like is mr. penikett’s performance.

    “too much eliza, not enough tahmoh” is my six word review.

  5. Sydney Says:

    No, you are not. I agree with EVERYTHING you listed, though some with more severity than others. For instance, pajamas in public is a HUGE peeve of mine. And I, too, think milk chocolate is for armatures. Never seeing or hearing the name Kate Hudson would please me. But Garrison… menh…I can take or leave.

  6. carolyn Says:

    also: wool socks with birkenstocks.

    if it’s warm enough for sandals, don’t wear socks. if it’s cold enough for socks, why are you wearing sandals.


    and @ Steph: my view would be that she was’t doing much acting; that the character of Faith is quite close to who she really is.

  7. Steph Says:

    @ carolyn: I agree. She probably wasn’t acting when she played Faith and that’s why it worked so well. Sigh.

    Also, I hate when people wear mini-skirts with Ugg boots. I mean, I hate Ugg boots in their own right because they are so unattractive, but why are you wearing big sheepskin boots with a skirt you can’t even sit down in? Or when people wear tank tops with huge scarves. Again, I am unclear on what is being achieved here.

  8. Steph Says:

    oh, also I completely agree with the new updates to the list, girl detective. I hate the hoo-ha over Twilight, and Crocs might be worse than Uggs.

  9. girldetective Says:

    Do you watch 30 Rock? Last week the hot receptionist wore a mini skirt and Uggs. Oxymoron.

    This week’s ep of Dollhouse is supposed to be the best one yet. But I won’t watch it till later, as it’s up against the series finale of Battlestar. *sniff*

  10. Steph Says:

    We do watch 30 Rock, but we’re several episodes behind at this moment. But I could totally see Cerise (that’s her name, right? Or something that sounds very similar…) wearing the outfit you described. It’s still a very prominent look with the undergrads on campus, too…

    We’re up to date on Dollhouse, and it’s possible the show is improving, but I would say only slightly so, because it is still really underwhelming on a weekly basis. I fully admit I’m intrigued by the Alpha storyline, and what will happen with Echo, and yet I rarely care what’s happening in the weekly storyline. Maybe the acting is getting better? Also, I have decided I really don’t like their nerdy tech geek guy, Topher. He really bugs me, and I don’t find him at all endearing.

  11. girldetective Says:

    My problems with Dollhouse include the icky premise–as much as they’ve tried, they haven’t shown me yet that the “dolls” are more than high-tech prostitutes. Plus Dushku is best in two roles–the blank doll state and a kickass state. Any others ring false so far, and perhaps that is in part due to her plastic-surgery modified face.

    As for the Topher character, I don’t think we’re supposed to like him. He’s more like Warren from Buffy than Xander.