Update: Comments

Kind readers, my husband G. Grod says that comments work, so please give it a shot. Email me if things don’t work. I’m afraid we may have lost those comments that were made while they were broken. Many apologies.

5 Responses to “Update: Comments”

  1. G. Grod Says:

    Sorry about that. The settings for the spam filters were too restrictive, so no comments got through.

    On the bright side, we didn’t get any spam, either.

  2. Erik Says:

    … so you’re saying I should stop writing posts encouraging you to MAKE MILLIONS FAST and SATISFY HER LIKE CRAZY?

  3. girldetective Says:

    Actually, we checked the box to filter suspicious IP addresses. Apparently all of you are suspicious. Heh.

  4. Vince Tuss Says:

    Well, welcome back to the blog. I certainly missed the posts every day, but you probably had plenty on your plate.

    Since you like sci-fi, a suggestion for the movie challenge: Shaun of the Dead. It’s a zombie movie with some graphic parts at the end, but it also skewers working life, relationships, family, music, TV and media!

  5. girldetective Says:

    Vince, I’ve already got it in my queue at the library!

    Also, just for fun, my comment above got sent to my junk folder. Sigh. We’re having some technical difficulties.