Keep Out of Reach of Children

I was vacuuming the basement yesterday when 4yo Drake and 2yo Guppy lost interest and ran off. I heard them laughing. Then I smelled something, and went running.

They had gone into my husband G. Grod’s office; Drake had been spraying Guppy and the floor with Endust for electronics. Drake’s shirt and Guppy’s hair were wet with cleaner. I yelled about poison. I mopped. They cried. I tried to get them out of the office; they refused. G. Grod yelled, and I hustled the boys upstairs for an unplanned bath with shampoo.

While Guppy was in the bath, Drake played with the cord on the window blinds, putting it around his neck. While Drake was in the bath, Guppy grabbed, opened and spilled the bottle of baby shampoo. They’d really learned their lesson, no?

I sometimes think it’s largely luck if children survive to adulthood. There are things we can do to help them along (like putting toxic cleaners up high, or not having them in house; sigh), but the world is dangerous and kids are curious, a dangerous conjunction.

One Response to “Keep Out of Reach of Children”

  1. weirleader Says:

    I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. When I think back on all my boys’ injuries I can only marvel that they’re not brain-damaged or missing limbs (or digits). I count myself to have had an uneventful childhood in that I only required stitches two or three times and had one minor fracture.

    I wish you continued luck!