At 2, What Dreams Are Made of

2yo Guppy woke screaming the other day at 4am, angrily yelling, “But _I_ wanted to take off my sandals, Mama! Not YOU!” I gave him some water and a pat, and we went back to sleep.

Next day, 4am. This time, Guppy hollering, “I wanted my milk, but YOU poured it out, Mama!” Water, pat, sleep.

This morning he woke at 5:45am, but not screaming. I told him it wasn’t time to get up. Water, pat, sleep.

I fear for our future relationship, if Guppy is going to clutch each day’s little injustices till they induce nightmares.

2 Responses to “At 2, What Dreams Are Made of”

  1. SmallWorld Reads Says:

    “I fear for our future relationship, if Guppy is going to clutch each day’s little injustices till they induce nightmares.” Beautiful line. I’ve only had one child who talks in her sleep, but it did always have to do with “Mama” something!!

  2. Kate Says:

    our young man takes after his father–who walks and talks. Last night he (husband) tickled my head in the night. When I told him he was asleep, he said “no, I’m not. I’m trying to get the suitcase thing off your head.” Riiight.