Hearing Problem

I was putting together tea and a snack for our family, when Drake called out, “Mom, I want toast with butter and honey.”

Since I’m trying to discourage “I want” and encourage asking politely, I didn’t answer immediately.

“MOM! I want toast with butter and honey! I want toast with butter and honey!”

Pause, as he waited for a response that didn’t come.


My husband G. Grod and I started to laugh. I’m sure half the block heard him, at that volume.

“Yes, Drake.” I said. “I heard you before, but I didn’t hear you asking nicely.”

Drake’s voice dropped to a normal level. “Oh. PLEASE can I have toast with butter and honey?”

“Yes, dear, it’s coming.”

But by that time, 2yo Guppy started a refrain. “Buddah an’ hunny! Buddah an’ hunny!”

I looked at G. Grod. We sighed in tandem.

2 Responses to “Hearing Problem”

  1. Vince Tuss Says:

    I got, “Where’s my plate?!!!!” a couple days ago. That didn’t go over well.

  2. Sydney Says:

    He’s learning! Good for you to see the humor in it. It isn’t easy to raise a perfect child, but you are doing a very good job. :)