Fall 2007 TV Tuesday Night: Reaper

One of the best and funniest of the fall’s new shows. I’m not the only one to think so: see The Watcher, Everybody Loves Saturday Night, Teevee.net, Entertainment Weekly, and The Onion AV Club. It’s a dark, comedic fantasy about a slacker named Sam whose parents sold his soul to the devil, and the bill comes due on his 21st birthday. It’s a little like Buffy with Boys. Robert Wise is charming with a perfect undercurrent of scary as the devil. Sam is non-threateningly cute, he’s got a less-good-looking-but-funnier friend named Sock, and his love interest is sweet but not (yet) cloying. The first ep was directed by Kevin Smith, and made me laugh out loud several times, mostly at things Sock did. This got an immediate season pass on my Tivo.

3 Responses to “Fall 2007 TV Tuesday Night: Reaper”

  1. Amy Says:

    I thought it was a riot too. Can’t wait for this week’s episode.

  2. carolyn Says:

    FYI while episode 2 was sucky, episode 3 was pretty great. not quite as good as premiere but definitely worth watching.

  3. girldetective Says:

    Good to know, since I was hesitating about watching #3. Bionic Woman ep #3 was so bad.