Apparently, She Liked My Letter
One of my strange, largely non-marketable skills is that I write letters that get responses. Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl printed one of mine in her City Pages food column this week, and came to the interesting conclusion that compiling a list of Minnesota food gems will start a gourmet revolution. I think revival might be more accurate, but hey, I’m not called revolutionary that often, so I’ll take it.
Here are a few of my MN food essentials–a short, incomplete list of why the Twin Cities are great for foodies:
Grocery Cooperatives
Farmers Markets with countless, if not only, local farmed goods
New French and Rustica breads
Cedar Summit Milk
Hope and Pastureland butters
Sonny’s Ice Cream
Legacy Chocolate’s Potion No. 9
Cafe Brenda
La Belle Vie
MN State Fair
Midtown Global Market
Origami sushi
Restaurant Alma
The Modern
NE Mpls food corridor: Surdyk’s, Pizza Nea, Punch Pizza, Fugaise, Brasa, Bulldog, Gardens of Salonica, Wilde Roast, all within blocks of one another! Now if only someone (Sonny’s, Izzy’s, Sebastian Joe’s, I’m talkin’ to you) would open an ice cream outpost, that area would be foodie heaven.